YMC Certification Training
After you have completed Basic Training, based on the best selling book, you can chose to continue onto full YMC Coach Certification! The online certification program offers 50 additional hours of training, group practice and supervision over a nine month period. Exact start dates will be presented at the end of your Basic Training.

The YMC Certification Program Includes:
Two 90 minute live meetings via Zoom for nine months
Two hours of homework practice each month
Three private coaching sessions with a YMC trainer
Lifetime access to the ever-evolving YMC online Learning Center
Lifetime access to YMC Coach private Facebook group
The ability to use the "YMC" logos and letters behind your name
A listing on our international registry of certified Yoga Mindset Coaches
What You'll Learn
In this nine month program, you will refine and improve on the skills you learned in Basic Training, through examining case studies, live coaching demos, and group practice and sessions. You'll also gain new tools to take your YMC business to the next level, including how to customize meditation and yoga nidra practices, work with couples, and facilitate group Parts Work exercises. You'll learn to both practice and teach specific yoga techniques to pair with specific coaching themes. You'll also learn how to facilitate some Expressive Art Therapy activities, and Collective Healing processes. Best of all, you'll get to practice the YMC coaching process under direct supervision from our expert staff.
Live Meeting Format
The live meetings will take place via Zoom on one Thursday and one Sunday each month. Typically, the Thursday sessions will focus on new content and practice assignments. The Sunday sessions will center on interactive group practice and live feedback. All meetings will be recorded to watch later if you miss one, however, attendance at the one Sunday session each month is strongly encouraged.
Live Meeting Times (Eastern Time Zone):
One Thursday each month: 6:30-8:00 PM
One Sunday each month: 3:30-5:00 PM
See Calendar of active Live Meeting dates
Date options to enter the Certification Program will be announced
at the end of each Basic Training program. Basic Training
Graduates, be on the look out for email updates 3-4 times per year.

Tuition starts at $2999. At the end of your Basic Training program, you will be able to view all the payment options, learn about start dates, and make a deposit!